Grape seed oil
Rich in antioxidant and strong vitamins that helps lightening the skin and treat dark halos, acne spots and it is considered the strongest oils that make the skin young and treats the worship.
غني بمضادات الأكسدة والفيتامينات القوية التي تساعد على تفتيح البشرة وعلاج الهالات الداكنة وبقع حب الشباب ويعتبر من أقوى الزيوت التي تجعل البشرة شابة وتعالج العبادة.
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Rich in antioxidants which help in fighting aging, lightening skin and good for fighting dark circles and pimples.
يساعد في علاج جميع مشاكل البشرة ويفيد في حالات نقص الكولاجين.
كما أنه يعتبر مقاومًا جيدًا للشيخوخة.
Considered a raw collagen for the skin increases its youth and gives the skin a strong shine because it is rich in vitamins A and helps to treat wrinkles and reduce the signs of aging.
Good for cleaning scalp treatment of dandruff, and acne.
A good anti head insects and is good for keeping skin very clean.
For cleaning the skin deeply and nourishes it with important elements and minerals.
The soap contents: Olive oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, saad oil
It has natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help prevent excessive oil buildup, swelling, redness, acne, and pimples.
Rich in vitamins which helps in nourishing hair and skin and treatment of their problems.
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