Mint oil
One of the most important oils, it is very useful for skin, fighting against dark circles, acne and is good for cleaning skin.
Also is very useful for hair specially anti- dandruff.
من أهم الزيوت ، فهو مفيد جدا للبشرة ومحاربة الهالات السوداء وحب الشباب وجيد لتنظيف البشرة.
كما أنه مفيد جدا للشعر وخاصة ضد القشرة.
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Contains a rich amount of fatty acids to renew skin celis and hair.
Mask and scrub for cleaning and lightening skin with an extract of caviar, Also it is good for collagen deficiency and against wrinkles.
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جيد لعلاج الالتهابات الجلدية وحب الشباب ومكافحة الشيخوخة وجيد لعلاج قشرة الرأس ويقاوم جفاف الشعر.
كما يعطي رائحة طيبة للجسم.
Rich in vitamins which helps in nourishing hair and skin and treatment of their problems.
For cleaning the skin deeply and nourishes it with important elements and minerals.
The soap contents: Olive oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, spirulina and milk.
For cleaning oily and mixed skin, Also it is good for cleaning skin pores, treatment of acne and regulation of fat secretion.
غني بالفيتامينات المفيدة في وقف تساقط الشعر ومفيد لتغذية الشعر وتقوية بصيلاته.
AURA SCRUB that Rich in vitamins which nourish the skin and help to lighten and clean it.
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Good for treatment of hair loss, nourishes hair, increase its length and is useful for eyebrows and eyelashes follicles.
Rich in antioxidants which help in fighting aging, lightening skin and good for fighting dark circles and pimples.
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