The mixture of seven oils
It is a mixture contains seven different natural oils for treatment of genetic baldness, alopecia and treatment of hair loss and helps to nourish hair also it is good in damaged hair cases.
Uses: for both children and adults.
It is a mixture contains seven different natural oils for treatment of genetic baldness, alopecia and treatment of hair loss and helps to nourish hair also it is good in damaged hair cases.
Uses: for both children and adults.
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For cleaning the skin deeply and nourishes it with important elements and minerals.
The soap contents: Olive oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil and goat milk
One of the most important oils, it is very useful for skin, fighting against dark circles, acne and is good for cleaning skin.
Also is very useful for hair specially anti- dandruff.
غني بالفيتامينات المفيدة في وقف تساقط الشعر ومفيد لتغذية الشعر وتقوية بصيلاته.
Rich in vitamins which helps in nourishing hair and skin and treatment of their problems.
يساعد في علاج جميع مشاكل البشرة ويفيد في حالات نقص الكولاجين.
كما أنه يعتبر مقاومًا جيدًا للشيخوخة.
For cleaning the skin deeply and nourishes it with important elements and minerals.
The soap contents: Olive oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oi and, laurel
For cleaning the skin deeply and nourishes it with important elements and minerals.
The soap contents: Olive oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, saad oil
For cleaning the skin deeply and nourishes it with important elements and minerals.
The soap contents: Olive oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil and mint oil.
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